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职称: 教授(三级)




v  1999.09~2005.10:西安交通大学,机械电子工程专业,博士学位

v  1994.09~1997.06:甘肃工业大学,机械制造专业,硕士学位

v  1990.08~1994.07:西北工业大学,机械设计及制造专业,学士学位


v  2010.11~至今:永利集团,3044am永利集团3044noc,教授 博士生导师

v  2012.07~2013.07:美国密歇根州立大学,工学院,高级研究学者/教授

v  2009.05~2012.07:西安交通大学(东方汽轮机有限公司联合培养),博士后

v  2009.09~2010.09:美国西北大学,应用科学与工程学院,访问学者/副教授

v  2006.04~2009.09:永利集团,3044am永利集团3044noc,副教授、人事处团队科长

v  2005.10~2006.03:永利集团,3044am永利集团3044noc,副教授

v  2000.07~2005.09:永利集团,3044am永利集团3044noc,讲师

v  1997.06~2000.06:永利集团,3044am永利集团3044noc,助教






v  2022年,获2021年陕西省科学技术奖二等奖(自然科学)(第一完成人)

v  2020年,获陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(第二完成人)

v  2019年,获陕西省振动工程学会科学技术奖特等奖(第一完成人)

v  2011年,获陕西高等学校科学技术奖三等奖(第一完成人)

v  2011年,入选永利集团“杰出青年教师”培养计划


v  讲授本、专科生课程:

v  《机器人技术基础》

v  讲授研究生课程:

v  《流体润滑与密封技术》

v  《机械系统动力学》、《机械振动》


v  先进润滑与工程摩擦学

v  非线性动力学与控制

v  先进制造与系统集成技术

v  软体机器人



v 国家自然科学基金面上项目“高性能先进舰船活塞组件-缸套系统的主动表面织构及服役性能评估研究”(No. 51775428,主持)

v 国家自然科学基金面上项目“重型燃气轮机轴系切向支撑组合轴承的热弹性流体主动润滑研究”(No. 51375380,主持)

v 国家自然科学基金面上项目“机翼结构状态监测的可伸展传感器设计方法研究”(No. 51075327,主持)

v 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973”计划)项目“大型动力装备制造基础研究”课题“非定常局部扰动与复杂结构系统全局热动力奇异性”专题“盘式拉杆转子轴系周期性结构建模与动力奇异”(主持)

v 国家高技术研究发展计划(863”计划)重点项目“100 kW级微型燃气机及其供能系统”专题“高速永磁同步电机动力学分析及测试”(主持)

v 国家自然科学基金重点项目(子题)“高速转子非线性行为研究”(主持)

v 陕西省重点研发计划项目“高性能先进舰船活塞组件-缸套系统的精密加工及服役性能评估研究”(主持)

v 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划“发电机组轴承-转子系统非线性行为及非线性动力学设计”(主持)

v 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划“燃气轮机切向支撑组合轴承的主动织构及热流体动力润滑研究”(主持)

v 国家重点实验室开放课题“超高速机电耦合驱动系统的动力学设计理论、方法研究”(主持)

v 国家重点实验室开放课题“微型高速气体轴承的织构优化及主动润滑研究”(主持)

v 陕西省教育厅重点实验室科研计划项目“重型燃气轮机透平端固定瓦-可倾瓦组合轴承的热流体动力润滑及控制研究”(主持)

v 中国船舶重工集团公司第七一O研究所“供能装置叶轮设计” (主持)



[1] Y. J. Lü, J. X. Kang, X. W. Zhao, Y. F. Zhang*, X. L. Yang, R. B. Chen, Z. G. Xing. Effects of Different Surface Textures on Tribological Performances of the Cylinder Liner-piston Ring: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Engine Research, 2024, 25(3): 545-556.(SCI检索: 001064373100001, EI检索: 20233714729297)

[2] X. W. Zhao, Y. J. Lü*, R. B. Chen, X. L. Yang, Y. F. Zhang, J. X. Kang. The Deposition Properties of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Coatings Deposited on Piston Ring: Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Applied Physics, 2024, 135(6): 065304.(SCI检索: 001192193400021, EI检索: 20240815570941)(通讯作者)

[3] H. B. Luo, Y. J. Lü*, X. W. Zhao, Y. F. Zhang. Effects of Melting Temperature on Mechanical Properties and Bond Structures of DLC Films: A Molecular Dynamic Simulation. Materials Today Communications, 2024, 38: 108377.(SCI检索: 001188878400001, EI检索: 20240915643571)(通讯作者)

[4] H. B. Luo, Y. J. Lü*, X. W. Zhao, Y. F. Zhang. Tribological Performance and Evolution Characteristics of WC Coating During Nano-scratching: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2023, 52(9): 3037-3046.(SCI检索: 001075773000006, EI检索: 20234014828454)(通讯作者)

[5] Z. B. Su, Y. J. Lu*, J. W. Wu, H. H. Zhang, P. F. Li. FocusDet: Towards High-quality Digital Printing Fabric Defect Detection. Textile Research Journal, 2023, 93(23-24): 5237-5248. (SCI检索: 001062083200001, EI检索: 20233714729067)(通讯作者)

[6] Y. F. Zhang, Y. J. Lü*, Z. Chen, C. Liu, X. W. Zhao, X. L. Yang. A Characterization Method for the Physical Features of Honed Texture Surface of Engine Cylinder Liner. Tribology International, 2023, 186: 108634. (SCI检索: 001013676200001, EI检索: 20232214165917)(通讯作者)

[7] F. X. Zhang, Y. J. Lu*, D. Xie, H. B. Luo, R. Shi, P. Zhang. Experimental Study on the Impact Resistance of Interface Structure to PDC Cutting Tooth, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 140: 106503.(SCI检索: 000853399000002, EI检索: 20222912385315)(通讯作者)

[8] J. X. Kang, Y. J. Lu*, X. L. Yang, X. W. Zhao, Y. F. Zhang, Z. G. Xing. Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Wear and Roughness for Honed Cylinder Liner during Running-in Process. Tribology International, 2022, 171, 107531.(SCI检索: 000790322700001, EI检索: 20221211826114)(通讯作者)

[9] 吕延军*, 李杰, 强程, 李鹏洲, 张永芳, 常欢. 珩磨缸套表面粗糙度预测及多目标优化研究, 摩擦学学报, 2022, 42(4): 728-741.(EI检索: 20223612698799)(通讯作者)

[10] 吕延军, 强程, 张永芳*, 邢志国, 赵晓伟, 罗宏博. 基于GRNN的珩磨缸套表面3D粗糙度图像检测方法, 中国表面工程, 2022, 35(6): 116-127.(EI检索: 20232514277695)

[11] 李莎, 吕延军*, 罗宏博, 张永芳, 石瑞. 轴向槽气体轴承-转子非线性系统的动力学行为. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(7): 103-116.(EI检索: 20222312192835)(通讯作者)

[12] 张永芳, 刘成, 强程, 李鹏洲, 邢志国, 吕延军*. 基于分块迭代函数系统的缸套表面织构的分形表征, 中国表面工程, 2022, 35(1): 220-230. (EI检索: 20222112144003)(通讯作者)

[13] 吕延军*, 罗宏博, 张永芳, 康建雄, 李鹏洲. 内燃机活塞组件-缸套系统表面技术研究进展, 交通运输工程学报, 2022, 22(1): 24-41.(EI检索: 20221612006152)(通讯作者)

[14] S. Li, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, H. B. Luo, S. Wang, X. E. Kan. Nonlinear Dynamic Response and Bifurcation of Asymmetric Rotor System Supported in Axial-grooved Gas-lubricated Bearings. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 2022, 41(2): 451-478. (SCI检索: 000727659500001, EI检索: 20214911290339)(通讯作者)

[15] S. Li, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, D. Hei, X. W. Zhao. Dynamics Investigation on Axial-groove Gas Bearing-rotor System with Rod-fastened Structure. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(1): 250. (SCI检索: 000743128800001)(通讯作者)

[16] J. X. Kang, Y. J. Lu*, B. Zhao, C. Jiang, P. Z. Li, H. B. Luo, Y. F. Zhang. Experimental Study of the Tribological Characteristics of a Honed Cylinder Liner during the Running-in Process. Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 13(1): 101-110.(SCI检索: 000758222600001, EI检索: 20220911718629)(通讯作者)

[17] J. X. Kang, Y. J. Lu*, B. Zhao, H. B. Luo, J. C. Meng, Y. F. Zhang. Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Cylinder Liner based on Nonlinear Degradation Model. Maintenance and Reliability, 2022, 24(1): 62-69. (SCI检索: 000731402900003, EI检索: 20220711615189)(通讯作者)

[18] Y. F. Zhang, C. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, J. X. Kang, H. B. Luo, N. Müller. Improving Frictional Performance of Ring-Liner System under Cylinder Deactivation Conditions by Surface Texturing. International Journal of Engine Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1177/14680874211014669. (SCI检索: 000657883200001, EI检索: 20212010356772)(通讯作者)

[19] J. X. Kang, Y. J. Lu*, H. B. Luo, J. Li, Y. T. Hou, Y. F. Zhang. Wear Assessment Model for Cylinder Liner of Internal Combustion Engine under Fuzzy Uncertainty. Mechanics and Industry, 2021, 22: 29. (SCI检索: 000640003200001, EI检索: 20211610231407)(通讯作者)

[20] 吕延军*, 方重阳, 邢志国, 郭伟玲, 黄艳斐, 王海斗. 仿生织构图案的设计、加工及应用的研究进展. 表面技术, 2021, 50(2): 112-122. (EI检索:20211910345905)

[21] Y. J. Lu*, J. Li, R. D. Liang, Y. F. Zhang, M. M. Luo, C. Guo. Investigation on the Effect of Honing Parameters on Cylindricity of Engine Cylinder Liner. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 111(11-12): 3111-3122.(SCI检索: 000587094300004, EI检索: 20204609476680)(通讯作者)

[22] C. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, S. Li, A. Chen, J. X. Kang, N. Müller. Effect of Surface Texture on the Improvement of Tribological Performance of Ring-Deformed Liner Conjunction under Different Oil Supplies. Lubrication Science, 2020, 32(4): 145-168. (SCI检索: 000516707500001, EI检索: 20201008257571)(通讯作者)

[23] 吕延军*, 康建雄, 张永芳, 罗宏博. 内燃机活塞-缸套系统减摩抗磨研究进展. 交通运输工程学报, 2020, 20(4): 21-34. (EI检索:20204309403322)

[24] J. X. Kang, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, C. Liu, S. Li, N. Müller. Investigation on the Skidding Dynamic Response of Rolling Bearing with Local Defect under Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication. Mechanics and Industry, 2019, 20(6): 615.(SCI检索: 000524583900001, EI检索: 20194907785936)(通讯作者)

[25] C. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, S. Li, J. X. Kang, N. Müller. Numerical Study on the Tribological Performance of Ring/Liner System with Consideration of Oil Transport. ASME Journal of Tribology, 2019, 141(1): 011701.(SCI检索: 000450823400009, EI检索: 20183205672520)(通讯作者)

[26] Y. F. Zhang, X. W. Li, C. Dang, D. Hei, X. Wang, Y. J. Lu*. A Semianalytical Approach to Nonlinear Fluid Film Forces of a Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing with Two Axial Grooves. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 65: 318-332.(SCI检索: 000454970400018, EI检索: 20183805839520)(通讯作者)

[27] L. Xiong, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, X. G. Zhang. A Novel Memductor-Based Chaotic System and Its Applications in Circuit Design and Experimental Validation. Complexity, 2019, 3870327.(SCI检索: 000455747800001, EI检索: 20192106941888)(通讯作者)

[28] C. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, L. J. Tang, C. Guo, N. Müller. Investigation on the Frictional Performance of Surface Textured Ring-Deformed Liner Conjunction in Internal Combustion Engines. Energies, 2019, 12(14): 2761.(SCI检索: 000478999400121, EI检索: 20193007229614)(通讯作者)

[29] C. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, P. Wang, Y. F. Zhang, Y. G. Zhang, N. Müller. Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Compression Ring Wear and Cylinder Liner Deformation on the Thermal Mixed Lubrication Performance of Ring-Liner System. Mechanics and Industry, 2018, 19(2): 203.(SCI检索: 000444023100003, EI检索: 20183905850772)(通讯作者)

[30] Y. J. Lu, C. Liu, Y. F. Zhang, J. H. Wang, K. R. Yao, Y. F. Du, N. Müller. Evaluation on the Tribological Performance of Ring/Liner System under Cylinder Deactivation with Consideration of Cylinder Liner Deformation and Oil Supply. Plos One, 2018, 13(9): e0204179.(SCI检索: 000444809400030)

[31] Y. J. Lu, S. Li, P. Wang, C. Liu, Y. F. Zhang, N. Müller. The Analysis of Secondary Motion and Lubrication Performance of Piston Considering the Piston Skirt Profile. Shock and Vibration, 2018, 3240469.(SCI检索: 000429704300001, EI检索: 20181605031637)

[32] Y. J. Lu, F. X. Liu, Y. F. Zhang. Müller. Hydrodynamic Lubrication of Micro-Grooved Gas Parallel Bearings with Parabolic Grooves. Mechanika, 2017, 23(6): 931-936.(SCI检索: 000423261400021, EI检索: 20180504682541)(通讯作者)

[33] C. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, S. Li, N. Müller. Numerical Study on the Lubrication Performance of Compression Ring-Cylinder Liner System with Spherical Dimples. Plos One, 2017, 12(7): e0181574. (SCI检索: 000406643100044)(通讯作者)

[34] F. X. Liu, Y. J. Lu*, Q. M. Zhang, Y. F. Zhang, P. Gupta, N. Müller. Load Performance Analysis of Three-pad Fixing Pad Aerodynamic Journal Bearings with Parabolic Grooves. Lubrication Science, 2016, 28(4): 207-220.(SCI检索: 000383722300002, EI检索: 20155201720045)(通讯作者)

[35] D. Hei, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, F. X. Liu, C. Zhou, N. Müller. Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors of Rod Fastening Rotor-Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing System. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 85(7): 855-875.(SCI检索: 000355685500002, EI检索: 20151100633479)(通讯作者)

[36] Y. F. Zhang, P. Wu, B. Guo, Y. J. Lu*, F. X. Liu, Y. T. Yu. Approximate Solution of Oil Film Load-Carrying Capacity of Turbulent Journal Bearing with Couple Stress Flow. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 28(1): 106-114.(SCI检索: 000347667200012, EI检索: 20150600487819)(通讯作者)

[37] D. Hei, Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, Z. Y. Lu, P. Gupta, N. Müller. Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors of a Rod Fastening Rotor Supported by Fixed-Tilting Pad Journal Bearings. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2014, 69: 129-150.(SCI检索: 000347019200015, EI检索: 20160101763118)(通讯作者)

[38] Y. F. Zhang, D. Hei, Y. J. Lu*, Q. D. Wang, N. Müller. Bifurcation and Chaos Analysis of Nonlinear Rotor System with Axial-Grooved Gas-Lubricated Journal Bearing Support. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(2): 358-368.(SCI检索: 000332496900015, EI检索: 20141317524053)(通讯作者)

[39] Y. F. Zhang, D. Hei, C. Liu, B. Guo, Y. J. Lu*, N. Müller. An Approximate Solution of Oil Film Forces of Turbulent Finite Length Journal Bearing. Tribology International, 2014, 74:110-120.(SCI检索: 000335614200014, EI检索: 20141317510944)(通讯作者)

[40] Y. F. Zhang, S. Zhang, F. X. Liu, C. Zhou, Y. J. Lu*, N. Müller. Motion Analysis of a Rotor Supported by Self-acting Axial Groove Gas Bearing System with Double Time Delays. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014, 228(16): 2888-2899.(SCI检索: 000344009700004, EI检索: 20144400142459)(通讯作者)

[41] Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, X. L. Shi, W. M. Wang, L. Yu. Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Rotor System with Fixed-Tilting-Pad Self-Acting Gas-Lubricated Bearings Support. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 69(3): 877-890.(SCI检索: 000304878400013, EI检索: 20123015271882)(通讯作者)

[42] Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, Y. B. Yu, L. Yu. Nonlinear Dynamics of Flexible Rotor System Supported on Fixed-Tilting Pad Combination Journal Bearing. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2011, 18(3): 610-617.(SCI检索: 000291185400003, EI检索: 20113314239532)(通讯作者)

[43] Y. J. Lu*, L F Ji, Y F Zhang, Y. Wu, Y. Y. Liu, L. Yu, Dynamic Behaviours of the Rotor Non-linear System with Fixed-Tilting-Pad Journal Bearing Support. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2010, 224(J10): 1037~1047. (SCI检索: 000281913200001, EI检索:20103913259114)(通讯作者)

[44] Y. J. Lu*, R. Dai, D. Hei, Y. F. Zhang, H. Liu, L. Yu. Stability and Bifurcation of a Nonlinear  Bearing-Flexible Rotor Coupling Dynamic System. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2009, 223(4):835~849. (SCI检索: 000265266400006, EI检索: 20091712047222)(通讯作者)

[45] Y. J. Lu*, H. Liu, R. Dai, Y. F. Zhang, L. Yu, Y. B. Yu. A Method for Determining the Periodic Solution and Its Stability of Nonlinear Bearing-Rotor System Based on Observed States of the System. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2009, 223(J2):137~149. (SCI检索: 000264689700002, EI检索: 20091512030323)(通讯作者)

[46] Y. J. Lu*, Y. F. Zhang, R. Dai, H. Liu, L Yu, D. Hei, Y. Wang. Non-linear Analysis of Flexible Rotor System with Multi-Span Bearing Supports. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2008, 222(2): 87~95. (SCI检索: 000255235400003, EI检索: 20081911245596)(通讯作者)

[47] 汤璐嘉, 吕延军*, 刘成, 郭城. 局域共振型声子晶体梁的动态模型和带隙. 振动、测试与诊断, 2021, 41(6): 1132-1137. (EI检索:20220111431488)(通讯作者)

[48] 路遵友, 吕延军*, 李莎, 张伟, 党超, 余娜, 杨婕. 考虑热弹性变形和表面粗糙度的圆柱滚子轴承热弹流润滑分析. 机械工程学报, 2018, 54(13): 159-169.(EI检索: 20183805826793)(通讯作者)

[49] 吕延军*, 李猛, 张永芳, 刘万万, 严冬. 轮廓参数对活塞二阶运动和裙部润滑性能的影响研究. 机械工程学报, 2018, 54(15): 100-116.(EI检索: 20184406012337)

[50] 路遵友, 吕延军*, 张永芳, 康建雄, 刘成, 李莎. 考虑热弹性变形的角接触球轴承微观热弹流分析. 摩擦学学报, 2018, 38(3): 299-308.(EI检索: 20183805839855)(通讯作者)

[51] 刘成, 吕延军*, 李莎, 刘万万, 杨茹. 表面织构对曲轴轴承润滑性能的影响. 交通运输工程学报, 2017, 17(3): 65-74.(EI检索: 20173704153788)(通讯作者)

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